Fédération de Pêche de la Haute-Marne

2025 Fishing Regulations


Time schedule for fishing in 1st category freshwater
General openings

From the 2nd Saturday in March to the 3rd Sunday in September.

Specific openings
Common Graylings : From the 3rd Saturday in May to the 3rd Sunday in September. Red clawed crayfish / White clawed crayfish / narrow-clawed crayfish / stone crayfish : no openings (forbidden fishing) Spinycheek crayfish fishing is allowed in accordance with the general openings, with no size limitations Green/edible frogs : openings between the 3rd Saturday in May to the 3rd Sunday in September

Red frogs : no openings (forbidden fishing)

Pikes : any pike caught between the 2nd Saturday in March to the last Friday in April, has to be released immediately in the water. The days included in these schedules, by the decree, are set within the opening periods

Time schedule for fishing in second category waters

Specific Openings

Pikes : between the 1st January to the last Sunday in January, and from the last Saturday in April to December 31 (included)

Zander : between the 1st January to the last Sunday in January, and from the second Saturday of June to December 31 (included) Brown trouts, brook trouts, arctic chars and lake trouts : between the 2nd Saturday in March, to the 3rd Sunday in September

Graylings : from the 3rd Saturday in May to December 31 Red clawed crayfish / White clawed crayfish / narrow-clawed crayfish / stone crayfish : no openings (forbidden fishing)

Spicy heel crayfish : fishing is allowed in accordance with the general openings, with no size limitations Green/edible frogs : between the 3rd Saturday in May to December 31

Red frogs : no openings (forbidden fishing) The days included in these schedules, by the decree, are set within the opening periods

Night carp fishing : the authorization to practice night carp fishing in areas defined by decree is valid for the period between the night of Friday to Saturday of the last Friday of March and the night of Sunday to Monday of the first Sunday of November. from Friday, March 29 to Sunday, November 3. The fishing period on the Marne, the canal between Champagne and Burgundy and the pond Valcourt is limited to nights from Friday to Saturday, Saturday to Sunday, Sunday to Monday and the eve of a holiday at the hours legal.

Specific measures regarding the European eel

Fishing European eels of less than 12cm is forbidden
Fishing silver eels is forbidden. The silver eel is defined as being the eel showing a distinctive lateral line, a d ark line on the back, a white one on the stomach and an
hypertrophic eyepiece
The dates for fishing yellow eels are as follows :
Bassin Seine-Normandie : Bassin Rhin-Meuse : Bassin Rhône-Méditérannée
1st category : from Saturday March 8 to Tuesday July 15 1st category : from Tuesday April 15 to Monday September 15 1st category : from Thursday May 1 to Sunday September 21
2nd category : from Saturday February 15 to Tuesday July 15 2nd category : from Tuesday April 15 to Monday September 15 2nd category : from Thursday May 1 to Tuesday September 30
Any fisherman in freshwater, either professionally or recreationally, has to submit the number of eels caught in a notebook, over the fishing season. This notebook has to be updated and should willingly be given to the respective services (OFB , DDT) if need be. It can be found on the Haute Marne fishing federation website, in the yearly fishing handbook  and on the web site for State services. (www.haute-marne.gouv.fr)

Specific protection for certain species

Mutilating, naturalising, peddling, selling, buying, commercialising green/edible frogs is forbidden at any time, as stated in the fifth article decree of the 19/11/2007 that set the protected amphibian and reptile list in the entire area and the modalities of their protection.
Fishing other species/kinds of frogs is forbidden all year in the county.
It is forbidden to carry living carps of more than 60 cm

Forbidden hours

Fishing cannot take place more than half an hour before sunrise nor more than half an hour after sunset. However, the Prefect may, by the means of a decree, allow carp fishing at any time in streams or lakes of 2nd category and for as long as he states.


The minimum measurements required for a pike is 0,60 m in 1st category waters in Haute Marne.
Minimum measurements required for green frogs is 8 cm in every streams, canals and water bodies in Haute Marne. The length of the body is measurable from the tip of the snout to the cloaca.
Minimum measurements required for the brook trout and the arctic char is set at 0,25 m in every streams, canals and water bodies in Haute Marne.
Minimum measurements required for the rainbow trout is set at 0,30 m in every streams, canals and water bodies in Haute Marne.
Minimum measurements required for the grayling is set at 0,35 m.
Within 2nd category waters, the following species’ required measurements are as follows :
Pike : 0,60 m. In order to protect the species breeders’ population, pike captures are only allowed between the length of 60 and 80 cm, in 2nd category waters.
Zander : 0,50 m
Black Bass : 0,40 m


Carnivore captures limitations
In waters classified as 2nd category, the number of captures allowed for zanders, pikes, and black bass for one recreational fisherman and for one day is set at 3, including two pikes maximum.
In waters classified as 1st category, the number of captures allowed for pikes for one recreational fisherman and for one day is set at 2.

Salmonid captures limitations
The number for salmonid kills (among which graylings and vendace) allowed for one fisherman and for one day is set at 6 in 1st and 2nd category waters


1) For 2nd category waters, the number of lines for each person, member of a fishing and environmental protecting association is set at 4.
2) In any streams in 1st and 2nd categories, the use of carafes or bottles of 2 liters capacity is allowed in order to catch common minnow and other fish to use as bait.
3) For crayfish fishing, fishermen can use 6 scales maximum : those can be either round, square or lozenge-shaped ; their diameter or diagonal lines must not exceed
0,30 m.
4) For carp fishing , from the bank or from a boat, it is only allowed from a 100 m distance maximum.
5) In first category waters, the number of authorized lines for each person, member of a fishing and environmental protecting association, is set at 1, except within areas
defined by the decree that designated water bodies as first category piscicultural areas. In Haute Marne, fishing with 2 lines is authorized.


Troll fishing is forbidden.
Troll fishing lines can be defined as setting in motion a boat, being motorised driven, with the aim of dragging a line, more or less tight due to the speed, with a live bait at one extremity, or dead fish, but also dragging to lure from a boat, using spinners and propellers.
Are forbidden the means and methods of killing, capturing and other forms of exploitation that follow : explosives, firearms , poisons, anesthetic, alternative current of
electricity, artificial lights.

Canals regulations

 Fishing is forbidden in Champagne-Bourgogne canal pounds whenever their respective water levels are below 1 meter

1st category water bodies regulations

 In the Marne streams, fishing with two lines is allowed on areas defined by the decree that designated 1st category piscicultural water bodies in Haute Marne.

Other than the particular police rules regarding the Champagne-Bourgogne canal supply tanks, it is to be reminded that if
there is a lowering of the water level, the practice of fishing is regulated as follows :

Water level inferior to 332,62 : forbidden fishing.
Water level between 335,60 and 332,62 : fishing is allowed with only one line on a fishing rod, from the bank only. Fishing from pontoons along CD 4 is allowed.
Water level inferior to 348,45 : forbidden fishing
Water level between 351,25 and 348,25 : fishing is allowed with only one line, from the bank.
Water level inferior to 0,70 : forbidden fishing
Water level between 0,70 and 2,24 : fishing is allowed with only one line, from the bank, on Saturdays, Sundays, and bank holidays only.
Water level between 2,24 and 3,78 : fishing is allowed everyday and in the entire reservoir, but with only one line, from the bank.
Water level inferior to 297 : forbidden fishing.
Water levels between 298,90 and 297 : fishing is allowed with only one line and from the bank.
Water level inferior to 301,60 : fishing is forbidden in the part of the reservoir, upstreams from the dykes, leading to the RN 74.
It is forbidden to circulate or park vehicles in the public fluvial area. Reminder : the limits of the public fluvial area are set by the water height head before overflowing. It is the lowest bank that sets the limit. (Plenissimum flumen rules).

Commandez votre carte en ligne
N'attendez plus, commandez directement votre carte en ligne sur www.cartedepeche.fr

Les Indispensables

Icone Carte - Fédération de Pêche de la Haute-Marne
Carte de Pêche

Il est obligatoire de posséder une carte de pêche pour pratiquer la pêche de loisir.

Icone Pêche - Fédération de Pêche de la Haute-Marne

En achetant une carte de pêche, chaque pêcheur devient automatiquement membre d'une Association Agréée pour la Pêche.

Icone Peche - Fédération de Pêche de la Haute-Marne

La réglementation de la pêche en eau douce peut être complexe, mais elle est primordiale

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